a year in review.

2013 in reviewWell, it seems another year is about to come to a close here. It continues to amaze me how each year seems to go by more quickly than the last. I'm not one to make an extremely specific list of resolutions, but I do believe in reflection and taking the time to choose an attitude for a new year.

I hadn't thought much about all that happened in 2013, but as I look back through projects and pictures, it was a pretty great year over here. I was lucky enough to attend four weddings (who doesn't love seeing the start of something so happy?), watch a marathon, and take a road trip to the deep South with Brendan. I took countless runs down the shore of Lake Michigan, spent time with family and good friends, and read many thought-provoking books.

Above all that, I finally moved from informally doing design and branding projects for friends and family to officially launching my studio, Dotted Design. Nothing makes me happier than finding ways for people to beautifully represent their wedding, their business, their product, or themselves through great design. I created many invitations and helped develop brands that the business owner can feel proud of. I also finally launched my very own Etsy shop, something I've always wanted to do. I think there are few thing sweeter than sending a piece of joy in the mail to someone, especially since so few people take the time to do so these days. I hope my shop can provide some inspiration for people to send a little hello to the ones they love. (I think I have enough hobbies now!)

As I look to 2014, I of course hope to grow my design business and reach more people to help them with their design needs. I hope to ramp up sales in my Etsy shop and spread more joy through written notes. But, beyond that, I want to continue to make time to read, to go for long runs, and have long conversations over cocktails with good people. I want to be a spot of positivity to the people in my life. I want to be lazy all Saturday morning, listening to Ella Fitzgerald, drinking coffee, and try writing down more of my thoughts. I want to remember to make time to do things to help others without wondering what I will get out of it. At the end of 2014, I want to again wonder where the time went after a year filled wonderful moments. I'm not naive enough to think that no conflict or bad situations will arise. I just simply think we each control how we react to each and every day - why not choose joy for yourself?

Wishing you a peaceful New Year, and I can't wait to continue sharing my adventures in design and life here in 2014!

most images via my instagram account - follow along!



beautiful thank you notes.


style it / send it {6} holiday edition.